Ask for compensation for your prejudice with Jet 2

Jet 2, one of the airlines taking flight in the new millennium. It is a carrier that offers regular flights to attractive and paradisiacal tourist destinations, especially in Europe like Paris, Alicante, Burgas, Izmir and Jersey, ...

For an optimal and quick optimization of your compensation, join a lawyer:

Lawyers are available to passengers when they experience an inconvenience and do not know where they can turn to defend their interests and claim their rights.

A passenger who suffers an overbooking or other injury because of his British airline needs a compensation specialist to settle his dispute and obtain a remedy.

In just one minute, calculate your compensation:

This scale shows you how many euros you deserve to compensate for the inconvenience suffered by Jet2

< 1500 Km => 250 €
≤ 3500 Km => 400 €
> 3500 Km => 600 €


It can happen that their holidays are spoiled or their business trips are disturbed before leaving! It's time to take off, yet the passengers are still stuck in the departure lounges.

A cold snap, a tornado or a hurricane can hit the city you want to go to. This can prevent the aircraft from taking off on time. Flights that are delayed due to major forces such as bad weather or other circumstances and situations that can not be controlled or managed by the airlines by any means are not compensable. Apart from that, all the other cases are repairable by the lump sum compensation.


As an air consumer, you are protected against any kind of damage including the cancellation of flights.

Airlines such as Jet 2 that do not inform passengers of the cancellation or suspension of their connection two weeks from the date of departure, must pay them compensation.

After several hours of waiting, the company finally offered you a replacement flight? Count how many extra minutes you spent before boarding. If it was more than 180 minutes (three hours), you are allowed to claim compensation.

Missed connection

Your rights in the event of a missed match are the same as those accorded by airlines to their passengers when their flights are delayed, overbooked or canceled.

This loss results from a delay posted on the flight connecting the airport of departure to the transit airport. This implies that it is the airline that provides this rotation must compensate the passenger.

Overbooked flight

When embarking, it is always likely that one, two or three passengers are absent. Which drives Jet2 to practice overbooking. However, because forecasts can not always be accurate, air carriers are in a complicated situation. The number of passengers on board exceeds the number of seats on the plane. In this case, the flight is considered overbooked, and the landing of a specific number of passengers becomes mandatory.

The passengers overbooked by Jet 2 are those who are generally selected at random by the airline of Great Britain to give up their seat. The latter are probably entitled to monetary compensation.

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